Honor Guard School

Copyright 2024  Honor Guard School. All Rights Reserved.

Our instructors are dedicated to your professional image – Honor Guard members are the official representation of their agency and we want to help you be your best! 

Founded in 2004, our instructors have over 20 years of experience on their respective agency's teams, acting as team members and team leaders. They have attended and coordinated hundreds of public events including full honors Line of Duty Death funerals throughout the state of California. We have been instructing formal courses for over 15 years and continue to learn new ways to present material to our students. More important than their experience, is the passion they have for the topic. We will travel to your location if you are interested in hosting a full class, a refresher course, or obtaining tailor-made training for your own team. Contact us for any questions. Stay Safe! 

Our Instruction

Training Profile

Areas of expertise:  We focus on ceremonial duties for Public Safety Honor Guards including: Drill and Movements, Manual of Arms, Sentinel Duty, Casket Handling, Funeral Honors. We can also provide training for Honor Guard Team Leaders including: Line of Duty Death Protocols, Funeral Management, Policies and Protocols, Team Selection, and Honor Guard Team Administration.

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